Try our demonstrator Try our demonstrator

You can now try out our demonstrator that incorporates Contrail technology. The demonstrator is a real Multimedia Market place, where you can download and "buy" multimedia content (payment is simulated, please enter fake data), stream multimedia content and use services on top of multi media content.

After you have tried out the Multi media market place, could you please fill-out our survey? This provides valuable information for us to improve the Contrail tools.

Next steps.

Step 1. Check out the Multimedia Processing Market place demonstrator.

Step 2. Fill-out the survey: tel us what you think


Background on the demonstrator

The Demonstrator is based on a marketplace where end-users can subscribe to the service, sign in and search desired contents, in a conventional or advanced way through image search and face recognition algorithms applied to videos.

Once selected a particular content, the end-user can pay and  use it (downloading or streaming),  with adaptation features to change dynamically resolution, sample/quality rate, encoding, according to user preferences and based on the device and available bandwidth.

This Demonstrator is able to exploit some of the Contrail unique features:

  • The marketplace is hosted by an Application Provider and implemented with ConPaaS webservice,
  • Contents are hosted by two Content Providers different from the Application Provider,
  • Some features (face recognition in videos, video streaming) are provided through different Technology Providers and make use of ConpaaS components,
  • The performance is guaranteed in terms of system response time and bandwidth through SLA enforcement,
  • Protection of data and contents is guaranteed by Quality of Protection features for Intellectual Property Rights or location enforcing


Background on Contrail technology

A good start to get an overview of the Contrail federated Cloud technology is the  White Paper  .

You can also browse our portal. The technology is described in the Software section. Information on how Contrail is and can be used in the Use Contrail section.

Demonstrator Demonstrator