A project in the realm of both information technology and the European Commission would not be short of abbreviations. We'll try and help you a bit.
AB | Advisory Board | |
ACL | Access Control List | |
AEM | XtreemOS Application Execution Management | |
B2B | Business to Business | |
B2C | Business to Consumer | |
EC | European Commission | |
EU | European Union | |
FP7 | Seventh Framework Programme | |
GAFS | Global Autonomous File System | |
IaaS | Infrastructure-as-a-Service | |
IPR | Intellectual Property Rights | |
IST | Information Society Technologies | |
KVM | Kernel-based Virtual Machine | |
OCCI | Open Cloud Computing Interface | |
OGF | Open Grid Forum | |
OpenID | Distributed identity system | |
OS | Operating System | |
PaaS | Platform-as-a-Service | |
POSIX | Portable Operating System Interface [for Unix] | |
QoP | Quality of Protection | |
QoS | Quality-of-Service | |
SaaS | Storage-as-a-Service | |
SAML | Security Assertion Markup Language | |
SAS | Statement on Auditing Standards | |
SLA | Service Level Agreement | |
SP | Sub-project | |
SQL | Structured Query Language | |
SSL | Secure Socket Layer | |
VCP | Virtual Cluster Platforms | |
VIN | Virtual Infrastructure Network | |
VM | Virtual Machine | |
VPN | Virtual Private Network | |
WP | Work package | |
WS-Agreement | Web Services Agreement Specification | |
X.509 ITU-T | standard for a public key infrastructure (PKI) for single sign-on (SSO) and Privilege Management Infrastructure (PMI) | |
XtreemFS | XtreemOS Grid file system | |
XtreemOS | Grid Operating System |