Contrail Business day Contrail Business day

DRAFT (2013-07-05)

Cloud computing for infrastructures is entering a transition stage in which the hype makes place for reality checks, and where some initial enthusiasm now leaves companies with questions about white spots in the overall Cloud offerings. Especially avoiding vendor lock in, combining private and public clouds, create a single sign on and identity management are important questions. In addition programming for and managing applications in federated Clouds can be quite complex. Companies are also looking for SLA support that is not yet readily available.

The Contrail Cloud Computing Business day will address a number of these topics. The business day will feature an in-depth overview of the current state of Cloud computing, and the state of European Cloud Research. Further it will present a number of results that address some of the Cloud computing issues.

The Contrail project will be presented and demonstrated. Some of the features and components of the Contrail software stack, amongst others, are:

  • ConPaas - Platform-as-a-Service service to easy deploy complex applications on Clouds
  • XtreemFS - a reliable Cloud file system
  • Federation - component federating heterogeneous Cloud providers and providing interoperability
  • Federated Identity management - single sign on through federated Clouds
  • SLA support - to provide business quality Cloud services
  • VEP - tool for the management of IaaS Clouds and easy deployment of distributed applications

The Cloud Business day will also provide an in-depth overview of HP's Cloud offerings. HP provides basic Cloud services that are typical for a large vendor. Contrail tools provide additional possibilities.

The Cloud Business day will also feature two demonstrations - the Contrail software stack and Contrail demonstrator - and ample opportunity for discussion with HP and Contrail Cloud computing experts.


The Contrail Cloud business day is intended for CTOs and ICT business experts from companies that are using or setting up Cloud computing services. The business day is especially useful to get a quick overview of the state of the art in Cloud computing and which tools and services are available to help companies.

In addition, the Contrail Business day is useful for persons working in European and national Cloud computing R&D projects. They can get an in-depth overview of the Contrail technology in relation to the industry Cloud computing offerings.