Contrail - XtreemFS:  a Cloud file system for reliable storage

One problem in distributed Cloud computing is reliable storage of data. Compared to local file systems Cloud storage is less reliable. If for instance the networking to the Cloud provider fails, also the storage cannot be used. And without access to data, also applications stop working. This could be bad for your business. 

Contrail XtreemFS turns unreliable Cloud storage into reliable storage by using automatic file replication techniques that are invisble to the user.  It is a bit like RAID technology used in many local file systems.

Contrail XreemFS is an open source distributed and replicated file system for the Cloud.




Contrail XtreemFS consist of a range of services that enable Cloud users a secure, reliable and elastic use of cloud resources. Primary in Contrail XtreemFS benefits is the fully automatic file replication in distributed Cloud installations. It is what makes XtreemFS such a valuable component of the Contrail software stack.




Integration with other Contrail components

Contrail XtreemFS originates in the XtreemOS project, part of which is now being continued in the Contrail Project. The current version of Contrail XtreemFS requires system administrator knowledge to be installed and used. Contrail XtreemFS will be integrated in the next release of ConPaaS and work together with the Federation components of Contrail.


Contrail XtreemFS is available in pre-built packages for Linux or pre-compiled for Windows and Mac OS X.
Download directory


Contrail XtreemFS User Guide


XtreemFS is being further developed in the Contrail Project, the German MoSGrid project and "First We Take Berlin" project.