Training module - XtreemFS Training module - XtreemFS


Administrators of Cloud providers, Cloud users who require a distributed, replicated file system for their Cloud applications.


Experience with Linux and basic knowledge in computer networks in order to install and configure the XtreemFS server and client packages.


Cloud computing poses new challenges to data storage. While cloud providers use shared distributed hardware, which is inherently unreliable and insecure, cloud users expect their data to be safely and securely stored, available at any time and accessible in the same way as their locally stored data.

As a solution, we will present XtreemFS in this presentatio. XtreemFS is a POSIX-compliant file system for the cloud. It transparently supports advanced features like replication and distributed snapshots. A detailed description of the internal architecture of XtreemFS and its security concept will be given. Additionally, a comprehensive overview of the replication and snapshot protocols will be presented. The talk will conclude with a description how the presented XtreemFS features are used in practice at the example of a cloud provider.




Presentation of 1h.