Contrail Training programme Contrail Training programme

We did set up a modular design for our training components. The training modules closely follow the Contrail software modules. The leading project partners in the Contrail Project responsible for a certain component will also produce the components that - together - will be the Contrail software curriculum.

Documentation will be part of the curriculum and will be offered in a consequent and consistent format. From the project portal both training modules and documentation will be offered.

The main Contrail is will be available online. Some user guides will also be made available in printable format.

Look at the menu on the right to see which training modules are available.

Training modules

Training module - Introduction in Cloud computing and Contrail


Everyone interested in Cloud technology




This module provides a general introduction into Cloud computing, Cloud management, and Cloud Federation, and the  role Contrail can play.

  • What is Cloud computing, and what is it not.
  • What are the markets in which Cloud computing can be successful.
  • Everything is a service: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, …
  • Cloud infrastructures.
  • Cloud issues: vendor lockin, complexity.
  • Contrail anwsers.




Dynamic oral presentations, online video's and slide shows.