Video gallery Video gallery

Short films by and/or of Contrail-project partners, shot during conferences and meetings. 
(Flash player required)

During the EC's Internet of Services collaboration meeting in Brussels (october 2010) Contrail filmed a short event report.

Anne-Marie Sassen about the Contrail Project from contrail-project on Vimeo. EC's project officer Anne-Marie Sassen comments on the Contrail Project.




Dissemination management Dissemination management

Responsable for dissemination and communication is project-partner Genias Benelux in the Netherlands.
You can contact us in Dutch, English, French or German.

Mr. Ad Emmen
Genias Benelux
James Stewartstraat 248
1325 JN  Almere
The Netherlands


+31 6 5362 2098


Project coordinator Project coordinator

Mrs. Christine Morin
Head of Myriad research team
INRIA Rennes Bretagne Atlantique
Campus de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes cedex FRANCE
tel: + 33 2 99 84 72 90

e-mail: chistine{dot}morin[[at]]inria{dot}fr